Bus Rider Hit by Driver in Strip District
On August 19 at 8:00 AM, a bus rider got off the bus at the corner of Liberty Avenue and 25th Street. He ran across the street, unaware of traffic, and was hit by a driver. The driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with authorities while the bus rider was taken to the hospital in stable condition.

Pedestrian Hit by Driver In Front of Children’s Hospital
At around midnight on July 28, a driver hit a pedestrian at the corner of 44th and Penn Avenue, in front of Children’s Hospital. The adult pedestrian was taken to another hospital in critical condition. The driver stayed at the scene, cooperated with police, and is not currently being charged.

Garbage Truck Strikes, Injures Woman in Wheelchair
On July 19th, shortly after 9:30 AM, Donna Goldinger began to cross Brownsville Road in her electric wheelchair, from in front of Pete’s Beer Distribution to the Carnegie Library at the corner of Matthews Avenue. When she was nearly across, she was struck by the driver of a City garbage truck. She suffered a serious compound leg fracture and was taken to the hospital. The driver of the garbage truck has been tested for the use of drugs or alcohol and put on desk duty pending the outcome of an investigation.
Pedestrian Injured in Crash on Fifth Avenue
On June 30, at around 9:45 PM, there was a crash between a driver and a young woman on Fifth Avenue near Wilkins Avenue. Police report that the driver had the right of way, and that “the pedestrian walked out in front of the car.”

How to Fix Dangerous 5-Way Intersections
On February 9th, a person was crossing Beechwood Boulevard in the north crosswalk at Wilkins Avenue in Squirrel Hill. A driver turning left from Wilkins onto Beechwood hit them in the crosswalk. The pedestrian was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
Gas Stations are Anti-Pedestrian Infrastructure
On January 9th, a driver hit a pedestrian while leaving a Sunoco gas station. The driver did not stop but was later caught by police. The pedestrian was taken to the hospital in critical condition.